Jan 3, 2014


About a year and a half ago, I was worried yet excited, full of anticipation about my senior film...and I made a blog post about artistic inspirations. I think it's time to refresh the list, new year and all. I want to be more accurate, though, and say that these are stylistic inspirations. Visuals and the approach. We can be inspired by anything, really...watching a baby concentrate on a task, seeing a half-dead worm trying to make it to the grass, etc. etc. But style inspirations are less of what makes you want to create and more of a......what makes you feel in your gut that you have found an artistic kindred spirit. Artists and works that make you feel like they're helping your work find a home...that you think might have existed (or still exist!) for the same reason you are hoping that you and your work exist.
Literature is an art, so. I count that, too ^^

Ah, this is hard to explain. But I think you can understand ^^ My old list is here. 

In no particular order:

contemporary artist Joe Sorren
(image of his painting "The Dance of All Hallow's Eve" taken from his site)

Spanish surrealist artist Joan Miro. I have been obsessed with his "Blue" triptych since I was 20.

Studio Ghibli films "Tonari no Tottoro," "Ponyo," and "Spirited Away." I basically worship this studio and love all of their films, but these films in particular I've listed for stylistic reasons. The direction, the art, the characters...are like home.
(gif from here)

(gif from here)

The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz. Read it a year ago for a contemporary English class. Haven't been this taken by a work of fiction since my Harry Potter days.

films by director Wong Kar Wai. "In the Mood for Love," in particular. I have been obsessed with this one for a few years now, too...

I'm trying to start the year as clear-headed as possible and thought it would be good for me to sort out what is in my brain. A goal for me is to try as hard as I can to forget my ego and forget that I get stressed when I think too much. I suppose that means I need to think less and feel more. Maybe then my good work will rely less on chance and more on intention HAHA.


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